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Hotel Tofana of Günther Frena
Via Micurà de Rü 63
I - 39036 San Cassiano (BZ)
Phone: + 39 0471 849473
Responsible persons: Family Günther Frena
VAT no.: IT01472800216


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© Hotel Tofana
© TV Alta Badia
© Ivan Bortondello
© IDM Südtirol: Alex Filz, Harald Wisthaler

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online distribution, PROGRAMMING, CMS, CONTENT & marketing

tofisch | villa | verde
Anton Peintner Street No. 4
I-39030 Vintl/Vandoies
Phone: +39 0472 869368
Fax: +39 0472 869959
VAT no. IT02566610214
Chamber membership: Chamber of commerce Bozen/Bolzano
Registered web marketing agency within the Authority of the Autonomous province of
Company object: Developing offers, marketing tasks and the the implementation of measures for tourist offices, hotels and offer groups.


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